Born in Belfast, Northern Ireland
Lives and works in Gateshead, UK
Represented by Galerie Karsten Greve, Cologne, Paris, St Moritz
Selected Solo Exhibitions
You will not stop here, Golden Thread Gallery, Belfast NI
Hold me tightly lest I fall, Landesgalerie Niederösterreich, Krems AUT
I only dared to touch you once I knew that you were dead, Galerie Karsten Greve, Köln DE and Paris FR
A tentative strategy for a renewal, or, wanting to tell you everything and then changing my mind, Galerie Karsten Greve, Paris FR
Joy in the Pain, Saarlandmuseum Moderne Galerie, Saarbrücken DE
Claire Morgan, Galerie Karsten Greve, Köln DE
As I Live and Breathe, Horniman Museum, London UK
Losses, Deyrolle, Paris FR
Here is the End of All Things, Kunstverein Emsdetten DE
Recent Lapses in Judgement, Galerie Karsten Greve, Köln DE
Perpetually at the Centre, Galerie Karsten Greve, Paris FR (Cat.)
Stop Me Feeling, Frist Art Museum, Nashville TN US
My God-shaped Hole, Fondation Francès, Senlis FR
Claire Morgan – The Sound of Silence, Noordbrabants Museum, ‘s-Hertogenbosch NL (Cat.)
Claire Morgan and Fine Oceanic and Eskimo Art, Angela Berney Fine Arts, Basel CH
Plenty More Fish In The Sea, Musée Jean-Lurçat et de la Tapisserie Contemporaine, Angers FR (Cat.)
Try Again. Fail Again. Fail Better, touring to Stadtmuseum Jena DE, Fondazione Fernet Branca, St. Louis FR (Cat.)
The Gathering Dusk, Musée de la Chasse et de la Nature, Paris FR
Act of God // Höhere Gewalt, Kunst-Station Sankt Peter, Köln DE, (Cat.)
Try Again. Fail Again. Fail Better, Osthaus Museum Hagen DE, touring. (Cat.)
Gone with the Wind, Laing Art Gallery, Newcastle upon Tyne UK
The Slow Fire, Galerie Karsten Greve, Köln DE (Cat.)
Trappings, Musée Joseph Denais, Beaufort-en-Vallée FR
Interference, Nässjö Konsthall SE (Cat.)
Arresting, Växjö Konsthall SE (Cat.)
Gone to Seed, MAC, Belfast NI
Quietus, Galerie Karsten Greve, Paris FR
No Match, Helmshore Mills Textile Museum, Lancashire UK
Menagerie, Kunstverein Münsterland, Coesfeld DE
Under the Sun, Galerie Karsten Greve, Köln DE
About Time, Hub: National Centre for Craft and Design, Sleaford UK
Life. Blood, Galerie Karsten Greve, Paris FR
Periphery, James Hockey and Foyer Galleries, UCA – University for the Creative Arts, Surrey UK (Cat.)
Gone with the Wind, Great North Run Cultural Programme, The Laing Gallery, Newcastle UK
Chasing Rainbows, Selfridges, London UK
The Fall, The East Rooms, London UK
If You Go Down to the Woods Today, The Hospital Club, London UK
Hunter Gatherer, OMAC, Belfast NI
“All that is solid…”, Grosvenor Chapel, Mayfair, London UK
Emotional Response, Lagan Lookout Visitors Centre, Belfast NI
Selected Group Exhibitions
La Mariposa (Butterfly Woman), Soho Revue, London UK
Touch Nature, Lentos Kunstmuseum, Linz AUT
Homo Faber 2024: The Journey of Life, Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Venice ITA
20 Years of the Langen Foundation, Three Generations – a passion, Langen Foundation, Neuss DE
Spring’s Delight, Galerie Karsten Greve, St Moritz DE
51 WERKE, Galerie Karsten Greve, Köln DE
SEISMIC: Art Meets Science, GIANT Gallery, Bournemouth UK
Être seul avec toi / To be alone with you, Domaine de Chaumont-sur-Loire, Chaumont-sur-Loire FR
Fantastische Tierwesen, Museum Stadt Heidenheim an der Brenz DE
Femmes·Frauen·Women, Galerie Karsten Greve, Paris FR
Winter Special Show: Leading and emerging women artists, Galerie Karsten Greve, St Moritz CH
REFLECTING NATURE #1 – Künstlerische Positionen mit naturkundlichem Bezug, Kunsthalle Erfurt, Erfurt DE
Flowers! Blumen in der Kunst des 20. und 21. Jahrhunderts, Museum Ostwall, Dortmund DE
Vivant, Fondation GoodPlanet, Paris FR
À poils… et à plumes!, Maison des Arts, Antony FR
Recyclage/Surcyclage, L’Espace Monte-Cristo, Paris FR
MORGAN – RUSSELL – SHAPIRO | Premiere, Galerie Karsten Greve, Köln DE
Natura Artis Magistra, Museum Schloss Moyland, DE (Cat.)
Recyclage/Surcyclage, Foundation Villa Datris, L’Isle-sur-la-Sorgue FR (Cat.)
OVNi Festival, Nice FR
12e Prix de Dessin Contemporain – Daniel et Florence Guerlain Foundation, Artcurial Austria, AT
Bêtes de scène, Villa Datris, L’Isle-sur-la-Sorgue FR (Cat.)
Flügelschlag – Insekten in der zeitgenössischen Kunst, Museum Sinclair-Haus, Bad Homburg DE (Cat.)
Biennale Ephémères, Chateau de Monbazillac, Monbazillac FR
Nature, Life, Human, MoCA Busan, Busan, KO
Beyond Borders, Villa Empain BE (Cat.)
Audubon, Then and Now, Biggs Museum of American Art US
Futurs Antérieurs, Maison Guerlain, Paris FR (Cat.)
De fils ou de Fibres, Centre d´art Meymac FR
Variations, Artloft Gallery, Bruxelles BE
L’art Par Nature, Galerie Robespierre, Grande-Synthe FR
Tension, Villa Bernasconi, Centre d’art, Lancy CH
Brave New World, National Biennale of Contemporary Sculpture, Trois Rivières, Québec CA
Cause & Effect, The National Centre for Craft & Design, Sleaford UK
Bzzzzz … Viel Fliegen, Museum Schloss Homburg, Nümbrecht DE
A Piece of Time, Avesta 2015, Verket Museum, Avesta Kommun SE
Plastic Age. Fascination with and Horror of Plastics in Art and Science, ERES Stiftung, Munich DE
Inaugral Exhibition, Fondazione Ghisla, Locarno CH (Cat.)
The Tourists, Fellbrigg Hall, UK
Wunderland, Château de Rue CH
Beastly Hall, Hall Place, Bexley, Kent UK
Hors Les Murs, Fiac 2013, Jardin des Plantes, Paris FR
Fantastic, Tripostal, Lille FR
Death, SHOWstudio Shop, London UK
Ästhetik der Natur, Museum Sinclair-Haus, Bad Homburg DE
100 Sculptures Animalières – Bugatti, Pompon, Giacometti…, LM-A30, Paris FR
Agora – Miniartextil 2012, Villa Olmo, Como, Italy IT (Cat.)
Nature – Contemporary Art from the collection of Altana Cultural Foundation, Osthaus Museum, Hagen DE
Anthro[physis], Rivera & Rivera Gallery, West Hollywood, LA US
Bêtes Off, La Conciergerie, Paris FR (Cat.)
Bestes, Bestiaux & Bestioles, Château d’Oiron, Oiron FR
Monanism, MONA – The Museum of Old and New Art, Tasmania AU (Cat.)
Compulsive, Obsessive, Repetitive, Towner Gallery, Eastbourne UK (Cat.)
Suspense, EX3 Centro per l’arte contemporanea, Florence IT (Cat.)
Dead or Alive, Museum of Arts and Design, New York US (Cat.) –International Art Critics Association Award
On & On, La Casa Encendida, curated by Flora Fairbairn and Olivier Varenne, Madrid ES (Cat.)
Heart of Glass, 20 Hoxton Square, London UK
Consumer, curated COAL, Palais de Tokyo, Paris FR
EChO wanted, Galerie Karsten Greve, Paris FR
Jerwood Drawing Prize 2007, Jerwood Space, London (Cat.)
Radiance 07, Glasgow’s International Festival of Light, Glasgow UK
Die Green, Live Pretty?, hosted by Pia Getty, curated by Adventure Ecology, London UK (Cat.)
Miniartextil 2007, Church of San Francesco, Arte & Arte, Como IT (Cat.)
Waste and the Natural World, The Gallery @ Adventure Ecology, London UK
Your Gallery @ The Guardian, The Guardian Gallery in association with the Saatchi Gallery, London UK
Inside Out at Cragside, Northumberland, works commissioned by National Trust UK (Cat.)
Premio Fondazione Arnaldo Pomodoro, Prize for Young Sculptors, Fondazione Pomodoro, Milan IT (Cat.)
Out There, (CAN 05), Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts, Norwich UK
Selected Site-specific Commissions
2017 Elephant in the Room, Princes Quay Shopping Centre, for Hull City of Culture UK
2016 Murmurations, 111 Buckingham Palace Road, London UK
2013 Undercurrent and Coming Up for Air, Oncologisch Centrum Spaarne Ziekenhuis NL
2012 No Match, Helmshore Mills Textile Museum, Lancashire UK
2011 A New Moon, toured to Lumiere International Light Festival, Durham UK
2010 To Woo You, Town Hall Hotel, London UK
2009 Pressure Makes Diamonds, Assembly Square, Cardiff Bay UK
2008 Spooning, Sheffield Millennium Galleries, Sheffield UK
2007 A New Moon, toured to Radiance 07, Glasgow’s International Festival of Light, Glasgow UK
2005 A New Moon, Whitstable Harbour; SPARKS: commissioned by Canterbury Council, Whitstable UK
2005 Shift, Tynemouth Station, Tyne and Wear; commissioned by Nexus UK
Selected Collections
Centre Georges Pompidou FR; Fondation Guerlain FR ; MONA – Museum of Old and New Art AU; Emerige FR; ALTANA Kulturstiftung DE; Renschdael Art Foundation NL; ENEA CH; RAJA Art Collection FR, Fondation Frances FR; Stiftung Saarländischer Kulturbesitz DE; Collection Musée Jean-Lurcat, FR; Ghisla Art Foundation CH; ERES Foundation DE; EIB Institute LU
2022 Virginia A. Groot Foundation Grant, Second place award USA
2019 Fondation Daniel et Florence Guerlain, Prix de Dessin 2019 FR
2007 Wooda Arts Award, Cornwall UK
2006 Premio Fondazione Arnaldo Pomodoro, Prize for Young Sculptors, Milan IT
2004 Roy Noakes Award, selected by Royal British Society of Sculptors UK
2004 Royal British Society of Sculptors, Annual Bursary Award UK
2024 BODY and PLACE, theCOLAB, Owlpen Manor, Gloucestershire UK
2007 Wooda Arts Award, Wooda Farm, Cornwall UK
2006 ‘Art & the Public Realm’ residency at Persistence Works, Sheffield UK
2005 Out There, Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts, Norwich UK
Bolwick Arts 3, Bolwick Hall, Norfolk UK
2003 Fine Art Fellowship, Northumbria University, Newcastle-upon-Tyne UK
2000-2003 First Class, BA (Hons) Fine Art (Sculpture), University of Northumbria
1999-2000 Distinction, Foundation Studies in Art and Design, University of Ulster
Selected Books and Catalogues
2025, Sabine Fellner, Christoph Thun-Hohenstein, Eva Horn, Franzobel, Josef Berghold, Hemma Schmutz, Touch Nature Lentos, Köln: Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther and Franz Konig (Cat.)
2024, Swan, Heather, Where the Grass Sings; Stories of Insects and Interconnection, Pennsylvania: The Pennsylvania State University Press
2022, Mühlhofer, Stefan; Rönne, Ronja von; Selter, Regina; Weißhorn-Ponert, Stefanie; Welzel, Barbara; Wettengl, Kurt, Flowers!: In the Art of the 20th and 21st Centuries, Munich: Hirmer Verlag (Cat.)
2021, Fite-Wassilak, Chris; Andrea Jahn; George Vasey, Claire Morgan: Joy in the Pain, Berlin: Kerber (Cat.)
2021, Jahn, Andrea; Claire Morgan, Claire Morgan: A tentative strategy for a renewal, or, wanting to tell you everything and then changing my mind, Paris: Galerie Karsten Greve (Cat.)
2020, Artaker, Anna; Rose Ausländer et al., Natura Artis Magistra, Cologne: Wienand (Cat.)
2020, Culpan, Laura et al., Cure3, London: Artwise (Cat.)
2020, Kapel-Marcovici, Danièle; Valerie de Maulmin, Recyclage/Surcyclage, L’Isle-sur-la-Sorgue: Fondation Villa Datris (Cat.)
2019, Firmenich, Andrea, Flügelschlag: Insekten in der zeitgenössischen Kunst, Berlin: DISTANZ (Cat.)
2019, Kapel-Marcovici, Danièle; Valerie de Maulmin, Bêtes de Scène, L’Isle-sur-la-Sorgue: Fondation Villa Datris (Cat.)
2018, Culpan, Laura et al., Cure3, London: Artwise (Cat.)
2018, Galand, Alexandre; Delphine Jacquot (illustration), Monstres & Merveilles: Cabinets de Curiosites a Travers le Temps, Paris: Seuil Jeunesse
2017, Pesapane, Lucia; Claire Morgan, Claire Morgan: Perpetually at the Centre, Paris: Galerie Karsten Greve (Cat.)
2017, Luc, Virginie, Les Magiciennes De La Terre: L’art et la nature au feminin, Paris: Ulmer
2016, Ambrose, Darren; Charles de Mooij, Claire Morgan: The Sound of Silence, s-Hertogenbosch: Noordbrabants Museum (Cat.)
2016, Denizeau, Gérard, Jean Lurcat. L’eclat Du Monde, Paris: ASSOCIATION 303
2015, Schlimbach, Guido, Claire Morgan: Act of God // Höhere Gewalt, Köln: Kunst-Station Sankt Peter (Cat.)
2015, Schmidt, Vincent, Claire Morgan: Try Again. Fail Again. Fail Better., Ludenscheid: Osthaus Museum (Cat.)
2015, Stephan, Erik (interview with Claire Morgan), Claire Morgan: Try Again. Fail Again. Fail Better., Jena: Kunstsammlung Jena (Cat.)
2015, Sugier, Pierre-Jean; Erik Stephan (interview), Claire Morgan, Saint Louis: Foundation Fernet-branca (Cat.)
2014, Ambrose, Darren; Stefanie Kreuzer, Claire Morgan: The Slow Fire, Köln: Galerie Karsten Greve (Cat.)
2014, Caprile, Luciano; Pierre Casè, Fondazione Ghisla Art Collection Volume 1, Locarno: Fondazione Ghisla (Cat.)
2014, Marbury, Robert, Taxidermy Art: A Rogue’s Guide to the Work, the Culture, and How to Do It Yourself, New York: Artisan
2013, Alexander, Rebecca et al., Contemporary Heritage: A new way of seeing, Burnley: Mid Pennine Arts Association
2013, Caramel, Luciano, Miniartextil: Agora, Como: Arte & Arte (Cat.)
2013, Turner, Alexis, Taxidermy, London: Thames and Hudson
2012, Chappey, Frédéric; Collectif, 100 sculptures animalieres, Bugatti, Pompon, Giacometti…, Boulogne-Billancourt: Somogy Editions d’Art (Cat.)
2011, d’Anthenaise, Claude, Bêtes Off, Paris: Editions du Patrimoine (Cat.)
2011, Giusti, Lorenzo; Arabella Natalini; Fabio Cavallucci et al., Suspense, Bologna: Damiani (Cat.)
2011, Klanten, Robert, Erratic: Visual Impact in Current Design, Berlin: Gestalten
2011, Townsley, Jill; Sanna Moore; Matthew Rowe, Compulsive Obsessive Repetitive, Eastbourne: Towner Art Gallery (Cat.)
2011, Walsh, David; Jane Clark; Linda Michael, Monanisms, Hobart: Museum of Old and New Art (Cat.)
2010, Abbink, Jeanette; Emily C. M. Anderson, 3D Typography, New York: Thames and Hudson
2010, Campbell Johnston, Rachel; Howard Hussey, On & On, Madrid: La Casa Encendida (Cat.)
2010, McFadden, David; Lowery Stokes Sims, Dead or Alive, New York: Museum of Arts and Design (Cat.)
2009, Baker, Helen; Malcolm Gee, Building With Colour, Newcastle Upon Tyne: Arts and Social Sciences Academic Press (Cat.)
2009, Lyle, Suzanne; Paula McLernon et al., Editions, Belfast: Belfast Print Workshop (Cat.)
2007, Kermode, Deborah; Mir Jansen; Ele Forsyth (interview with Claire Morgan), Claire Morgan: Crowdpleaser, Sunderland: Art Editions North
2007, Caramel, Luciano, Filare Il Tempo: miniartextilcomo 2007, Como: Arte & Arte (Cat.)
2007, Downey, Dr Anthony, Die Green Live Pretty?, London: Arts Co (Cat.)
2007, Swales, Paul, 8 Weeks, 56 Days, 1,300 Hours, 80,640 Minutes 4,838,400 Seconds, Sheffield: Yorkshire ArtSpace Society
2007, Taylor, Anita; Karen Bateson, Jerwood Drawing Prize 2007, London: Wimbledon College of Art (Cat.)
2006, Barañano, Kosme; Sokari Douglas Camp et al., Premio Fondazione Arnaldo Pomodoro, Milan: Fondazione Arnaldo Pomodoro (Cat.)
2006, McGee, Debra; InSite Arts, Sparks, Warwickshire: InSite Arts Ltd (Cat.)